If you are doing Nova Scotia research, a good resource are WinthropBell's study and notes which are available at the FamilySearch Library: Bell, Winthrop Pickard, Register of Lunenburg settlers, FS Library US/CAN Film 1421430. the second millennium (Durham, If it was an unusual name, any reference to it may be a potential lead, and these other colonies were recruiting from the same towns and areas as those recruiting for Pennsylvania or the Carolinas. 18. Grubb bases his study mostly on the passenger records collected by ships disembarking in Philadelphia in addition to the servant auction records that exist for several years in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Table 5. In Chapter 11 he measures the distribution of immigrants through servitude contracts across the Delaware Valley geography and across its economic sectors. Therefore, strategies for locating a town of origin in Germany must include research on the emigrant, potential family members, neighbors, and other associates. Becoming German - Philip L. Otterness 2013-11-12 . Pennsylvania German Immigrants, 1709-1786: Lists Consolidated from Yearbooks of the Pennsylvania German Folklore Society by Don Yoder. typology, Annales de Dmographie Economic Perspectives 30. of other Germans); see Wokeck, Trade in strangers, I: the northern 7 Emigration from the county of Hanau-Mnzenberg was highly regulated These last two chapters provide a roadmap for anyone wishing to delve into this particular subject, as they provide an overall picture of where Germans came from, where they settled, their occupational background and how this changed over time, their literacy rates, etc.????? USA, 18802000, Hessische Auswanderer (HESAUS): Index In Chapters 17 and 18 Grubb definitively shows that demand side explanations can all be ruled out. 18th Century Sources for Locating German Emigrants, http://www.lunenburgsettlers.com/english/index_en.html, Pennsylvania German Pioneers Research Guide 1727-1808, German Immigrant Arrivals: Resources in the Library of Congress, German and American Sources for German Emigration to America, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=Pre-1820_Emigration_from_Germany&oldid=5163728, Auswanderungen aus Baden und dem Breisgau (Emigration from Baden and the Breisgau), 1980 (FS Library 943.46 W29h), Auswanderungen aus Rheinpfalz und Saarland im 18. Whrend des 18. Lokales Leben, atlantische Welt, 422. 71 See Granovetter, M., The impact of social structure dmigration sont tudis. 95786CrossRefGoogle Scholar. 6192CrossRefGoogle Scholar. 33 See Grubb, German immigration and servitude in NC, 2002), 285CrossRefGoogle Scholar. strategies, and the cumulative causation of Relations among internal, transatlantic migration and choice of destination in compiled by Joe Beine, Webmaster. 0000003726 00000 n Therefore, strategies for locating a town of origin in Germany must include research onthe emigrant, potential family members, neighbors, and other associates. Ungarn und Russland mglicherweise berschtzt worden ist. networks: evidence from nineteenth-century The German Exodus to England in 1709. Les Hessois qui stablirent en Germans new to Philadelphia were more susceptible to yellow fever outbreaks than smallpox epidemics. arriving in Philadelphia in the years 1798 to 1808. British colonies settled in rural places and extended the 28 Fenske, H., International migration: Germany 0000001959 00000 n (FS Library 974.8 C4fg v.10). study of German migration to Pennsylvania, The book is divided into three parts, the first on German immigration which focuses on the immigrant experience and immigrant characteristics, a second part covering the servitude market and its demise, and a third part which is an epilogue. Wistar, who emigrated from the Pfalz to Pennsylvania, worked first 52 See Grubb, German immigration to Pennsylvania, 1709 to 1820, 432, Part II. downward trend in German emigration after 1770; see Wokeck, one gulden was worth 60 kreuzer (Xr.). PA, 1983)Google Scholar; and 50 See Auerbach, Auswanderung aus Kurhessen, 1819. lmigration allemande du XVIIIe sicle vers la Hongrie et la Russie A card index compiled ny Dr. Bell as heresearched this work isalsoavailable on microfilm: Part 1. Materials under copyright can only be accessed online in the FamilySearch Library, a FamilySearch center, or a partner institution of FamilySearch. . We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! Germans who settled in the Volga Region of Russia can be found in accompanying names of family members; if the number accompanying the strategies, and the cumulative causation of 0000007870 00000 n Grubb hints at this with his evidence on literacy in the following chapter. One gulden was also worth two See Fertig, southern Portugal, Studi lost their citizenship in the process; see Wokeck, Trade in (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1980). Cartoon by James Claypoole, 1764 Courtesy of Library Company of Philadelphia Germans in Pennsylvania German immigrants founded Germantown near Philadelphia in 1683, but large-scale German immigration came in the next century, when wars and religious intolerance displaced many from Europe. This had the expected impacts on age distributions, with both more Germans who were children or older adults immigrating; well over 40% of English immigrants were between the ages of 21 and 25, much higher than for the Germans. Grubb, Farley. Our readers have come to expect excellence from our products, and they can count on us to maintain a commitment to producing rigorous and innovative information products in whatever forms the future of publishing may bring. The lists included in this work attempt to identify German emigrants in their homeland as well as in Pennsylvania; thus emigrants are cited with reference to manumission records, parish registers, passports, & other papers of German & Swiss provenance; & cited again, where possible, with reference to an equivalent range of Pennsylvania source materials, notably church records, wills, & tax lists. these emigrants, more likely to travel as intact families and the One glaring difference is that the occupational distributions for the Germans across the eighteenth century and early nineteenth century show fewer than 1% were laborers, while the one distribution for the English immigrants for 1774-76 shows 25% were laborers. reisten am hufigsten als ganze Familie und verfgten ber die Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified, Pennsylvania German Immigrants, 1709-1786, Lists Consolidated from Yearbooks of the Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, User Review - catawbahistory - LibraryThing. "useRatesEcommerce": false Fertig, Georg, Lokales Leben, atlantische Welt: Die nineteenth century (more Europeans could afford to pay full fare His ability to surmount technical obstacles is not apparent in the book. Alternatively, it would be helpful if someone could show that remittances were used on an increasing basis by Germans; looking at the Irish and concluding that the Germans must have been the same is not a completely satisfying answer. Christian missionaries in North America, Muslim populations 0000009244 00000 n The economic development and population growth of the colony and state of Pennsylvania was very much shaped by German immigrants. additional disincentive to return back to their homeland. History developed from additional sources, by which I believe she means Has data issue: false The Press's enthusiasm for innovation is reflected in our continuing exploration of this frontier. Generally only the names of the adult male passengers (age 16 and above) were recorded. Hessians emigrated illegally a century later: a large percentage of 1: Zrich Canton 1734-1744, Vol. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. Granovetter emphasises weak social ties as being important in the The author has provided heretofore unavailable English translation of materials giving detail on the individual side of German emigration from Wuerttemberg, the County of Wertheim, Zwebruecken in the Pennsylvania German Immigrants, 1709-1786: Lists Consolidated from Yearbooks Ancestry and Descendants of Henry Price, Jr. of Hawkins County, Tennessee, Richhart, Ritchhart, Ritschard: A Swiss-German Family from 1500 Until 1993, Pennsylvania German Immigrants, 1709-1786: Lists Consolidated from Yearbooks of the Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. settlement, and political culture in Colonial America, undercounting of wives exists, but that the majority of the men FS Library US/Can971.63 F2b .Huber, Paul and Eva, ed.,European Origins and Colonial Travails: The Settlement of Lunenburg,Halifax, N.S., Messenger Publications, 2003. destination group to the same degree. Werner Hacker indexed these records for many of the provinces of southern Germany. Johann Peter Engel, 378, 379, 381, vol. In fact, often members of the same family ended up in different colonies. Germany Germany Emigration and Immigration Emigration from Germany. Paikert, G. C., The Danube Swabians: German populations German Immigration to Pennsylvania, 1709 to I820 The largest group of non-British Europeans arriving in North America during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were Germans. trailer << /Size 52 /Info 10 0 R /Root 13 0 R /Prev 97857 /ID[<040f3731327f257fd051beed30e0551b><1ac5817cbfa3048ef70be8ea10775776>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 13 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 9 0 R /Metadata 11 0 R /PageLabels 8 0 R >> endobj 50 0 obj << /S 90 /L 193 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 51 0 R >> stream X. By Israel Daniel Rupp. The poorest were the Hessians who went to Russia, We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. (Norristown, PA, 1934). Emigrants also came from many other areas of Germany, as seen on this map. If you are researching New England colonial Germans, you should definitely check out this book: Horlacher, Gary T. and Wilford W. Whitaker, Broad Bay Pioneers: 18th Century German-Speaking Settlers of Present-Day Waldoboro, Maine. These books are usually well documented and may include explanations of relevant sources. Auswanderungsstrategien zu untersuchen. Some of the later lists also name the women and children. The archival record on German immigration to Pennsylvania improves after 1727, so that it has been estimated that over 108,000 Germans came to the Delaware Valley between 1727 and 1835. 17831820. But the regulations had little impact. Emigrazione Austria, Many Americas: patterns of I: the northern "German Immigration to Pennsylvania, 1709 to 1820." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 20, no. the cash being exported; hence married men and widowed women were Americas, from 1763 to the present Miscellaneous cards, A-Z FS Library US/CAN Film 2113582 Item 1Part 2. Relatively, these were big places, as HlTK WKk^'*U=T=C"C'A6yYevZ(-j!Us"T@'OdGDV80*Sb?Vt(>|5\M FwU7xE@@g|3JR$$Bk\w1}M ZTKstX}&GE$U j,]0-E_75\X'OXUdCOdC5WT2?q For more information, including a list of settlers' names, see http://www.lunenburgsettlers.com/english/index_en.html. The first population census of the U.S. of 1790, for instance, shows on average that people of English nationality made up 61% of the white population. 19 For more details, see Auerbach, Auswanderung aus Hessen-Kassel 18401850, Auswanderungen aus hessisschen migrant network? Pennsylvania German Immigrants, 1709-1786 Lists Consolidated from Yearbooks Hardcover - January 1, 1998 by Don Yoder (Editor) 12 ratings See all formats and editions Hardcover $40.85 7 Used from $37.50 7 New from $40.85 2 Collectible from $45.75 Grubb contends that the market for transatlantic passenger shipping was relatively competitive, so Germans did not face higher prices because of monopolistic conditions, contrary to what some historians have argued; whether the initial part of their journey, namely travel within Germany to the ports, also involved competitive market conditions for travelers, is something Grubb did not study. Trade in strangers, p. 29. This petition was published in the German periodical, Hessische Familienkunde (Hessian Family Research), October 1961, Vol. Auswanderer (HESAUS): Index nach Familiennamen, Nr. Jahrhundert VII of Pennsylvania: the German influence in its settlement and development in The Pennsylvania-German society proceedings and addresses vol. Rockport, Maine: Picton Press,1998, ISBN 0897252101. If not, you may wish to try some of these to further eliminate sections of Germany or to identify leads in new areas. Jahrhundert (Emigration from the Rhineland Palatinate and Saarland in the 18th Century), 1987 (FS Library 943 W29h), Kurpflzische Auswanderer vom Unteren Neckar (Electoral Palatinate Emigrants from the lower Neckar), 1983 (FS Library 943.43 W2hw), A name index to the above three volumes as well as other volumes by Werner Hacker was published by Closson Press and includes 65,000 names, Eighteenth Century Register of Emigrants from Southwest Germany to America and Other Countries, 1994 (FS Library INT'L 943.43 W2eh), Faust, Albert B and Brumbaugh, Gaius M., Lists of Swiss Emigrants in the Eighteenth Century to the American Colonies, 1925, Vol. Faint images.Irregular pagination. On the discussion of immigration and servitude, 358. Steinemann, Ernst, A List of Eighteenth Century Emigrants from the Canton of Schaffhausen (1734-1752), [FS Library 974.8 C4fg Vol. 85, Farley Grubb, "German Immigration to Pennsylvania, 1709-1820," JIH 20 (1990), 417- 0000002187 00000 n hasContentIssue false, Copyright Cambridge University Press 2018. 2020. 2950CrossRefGoogle Scholar, here 3149CrossRefGoogle Scholar. been recruited. the long and arduous journey across the Atlantic created an 0000005009 00000 n principalement en 1766, taient les plus pauvres. demographic history Reviewed for EH.Net by Simone A. Wegge, Department of Economics, CUNY. The Germans, as well as the immigrants from other nations, looked forward to being free in their own land, out from under the cruel reign of their former masters. Pennsylvania German Immigrants, 1709-1786: Lists Consolidated from Yearbooks of the Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. People also left from Killianstdten for Hungary and from Steinau For example, in 1751 a shipload of emigrants to Boston were shown a wonderful time and then were persuaded to sign a petition concerning the good conditions in New England, which was then sent back to Germany to persuade others to join. 2001)Google Scholar. O'Neill and Hatcher prepared a study of the 1709ers who settled in Ulster County, see Ulster County, New York Immigration. half of the 1740s were going to Pennsylvania. in the eighteenth century, Lokales Leben, atlantische Welt: Die in Hungary, Rumania and Yugoslavia and Hitler's impact on They may include several indexes, including one by "ships", which is is very useful for finding people listed on the same passenger list. listed all instances when emigrants showed up in government 0000025213 00000 n mass migration to North America, Vor der grossen Flut: Die europische For example, the Heyler family came to Boston (Waldoboro, Maine) in 1742, but also had close relatives from the same village in Germany that settled in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina. %PDF-1.3 % Many farmers lived in poverty, their very existence threatened by failed harvests and land shortages, so many decided to . Germany (Amsterdam, Finding the ancestor on an incoming passenger list can be especially helpful. Grubb is brutally honest about his work, how he came to the data, what they can do and cannot do, and what is old and what is new in this book.? By arrangement with the Society, & with the assistance of Professor Don Yoder, we have united the lists in this one-volume reprint edition, adding a Foreword by Dr. Yoder as well as indexes to persons & ships. During the 19th and especially the 20th centuries, African Americans from the southern states also moved to Pennsylvania in large numbers. America, 17091920 (New Die Auswanderung in die Neuengland-Staaten aus Orten in Enzkreises im 18. aus, oder ostwrts nach Ungarn, Russland und andere Teile Europas. gingen, hauptschlich im Jahre 1766. nh)iU0V7%j XTOk\JLWuJ8cZPJ2G$'L@E>z[HVGx^rZ2>a] ]i:8d"&NN(bSN#, 0}2G4cw1E[1CEnr49Mn0v\fI&4BKDJ4C6C@jYM6gjZ*PpB9.gfz!pgvxv09|pEexR8idSc'(36o"%h',?E?]Dmk5u]&pnIs4a>]h>f>Unwo9 pkFGW? Very specifically it is NOT the case that a decrease in demand for servants drove this phenomenon. Germany, Moving Europeans: migration in western travel inland to the port of Lbeck, sail across the Baltic Sea to Bergquist, James M. Daily Life in Immigrant America, 1820-1870: How the First Great Wave of Immigrants Made their Way in America. JOHAN MICHAEL KNAPPENBERGER (1709-1751) J. Michael Knappenberger was born 27 August 1709 in Widdern, Jagstkreis, Wuerttemberg. revolution, Chain migration and information FS Library book 943.43 W2t. A Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 to 1776 by Israel Daniel Rupp Consisting of 319 ship passenger lists, here you'll find a listing of more than 1000 settlers who came to Pennsylvania from other states. Wokeck has identified a secular 63 The number of persons who went to North America (excluding 3 (Winter 1990): 417-436. This emigration cycle and the use of the term Published online by Cambridge University Press: Territorien nach Sdwesteuropa im 18. und 19. continental, and transatlantic migration in late imperial in1702 and Oley and Conestoga in 1709. "German Immigration to Pennsylvania, 1709 to 1820." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 20, no. mass migration to North America Students will analyze a Table of German Passenger ships that landed in Philadelphia from 1683 to 1775. 68Google Scholar. All EH.Net reviews are archived at http://www.eh.net/BookReview, To join the newsletters or submit a posting go to, German Immigration and Servitude in America, 1709-1920, Historical Demography, including Migration. 312. 0000001238 00000 n accompany other family members back to the New World or engage in Since the late 1960s, we have experimented with generation after generation of electronic publishing tools. America, 17091920, Trade in strangers: the beginnings of Grubb provides other data from 1787-1807 and 1816-1820, but the earlier period is more comparable to the Hanau data, given that all the recorded Hanau emigrants who settled in Pennsylvania arrived before 1771. Grubb also and Scott, K., Three generations in the New Entscheidung zur Auswanderung vom Rhein nach Nordamerika im 5.2 per cent are listed with the occupational code of AN, which 40 Koch, The Volga Germans, 58. Ich nutze neue Auswanderungsdaten, um Alter, Berufe und 1977), The extent of this is not clear at this point. World: labour market outcomes of Swedish Americans in the 29 See Wokeck, Trade in strangers, 89; see also Pennsylvania) and for whom information on age exists is particularly 0000001732 00000 n See Grubb, Even if you are not researching a family from New York, New England, or Nova Scotia, you perhaps should check out these sources as well. Samuel Waldo brought e migrants from . strangers, 14. 19, 1 (2005), Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. d'autres rgions europennes. Americas, from 1763 to the present, Voyagers to the west: passage in the east to Hungary, Russia, and other parts of Europe. Finding the ancestor on an incoming passenger list can beespecially helpful. Hague, 1967), 11 See Beiler, R., Immigrant and entrepreneur: the Atlantic The five emigrant lists that comprise this work were originally published between 1936 & 1951 in yearbooks of The Pennsylvania German Folklore Society.

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german immigration to pennsylvania, 1709 to 1820