Some mutations can help an animal or plant survive better than others in the species without the mutation. [70] As both sides began colliding with each other in Eastern Europe, conflict appeared more likely, although they did sign a border and commercial agreement addressing several open issues in January 1941. Enraged by these attacks on fellow Muslims, Khir and Arj served as privateers under the direction of Korkud (one of the sons of the Ottoman sultan Bayezid II) to disrupt Spanish and Portuguese shipping in the western Mediterranean. [326], By 1943, Soviet armaments production was fully operational and increasingly outproducing the German war economy. [213] In reality, Soviet losses were likely higher; a Soviet archival document recorded the loss of 3,922 Soviet aircraft in the first three days against an estimated loss of 78 German aircraft. [119], The Germans deployed one independent regiment, one separate motorized training brigade and 153 divisions for Barbarossa, which included 104 infantry, 19 panzer and 15 motorized infantry divisions in three army groups, nine security divisions to operate in conquered territories, four divisions in Finland[j] and two divisions as reserve under the direct control of OKH. The commissars held a position equal to that of the commander of the unit they were overseeing. [91] Nazi policy aimed to destroy the Soviet Union as a political entity in accordance with the geopolitical Lebensraum ideals for the benefit of future generations of the "Nordic master race". [198][199] By calling upon the population's devotion to their nation rather than the Party, Molotov struck a patriotic chord that helped a stunned people absorb the shattering news. Also, between January 1939 and May 1941, 161 new divisions were activated. The Finnish government agreed to restart its offensive into Soviet Karelia to reach Lake Onega and the Svir River. By 1505 the Spanish and the Portuguese were looking to make territorial gains in North Africa, and they began to attack coastal cities. After Barbarossa and his forces captured Tunis in 1531, Sleyman made him the grand admiral (kapudan pasha) of the Ottoman Empire, and he served as admiral in chief of the Ottoman navy. [55], After the war began, the Nazis issued a ban on sexual relations between Germans and foreign slaves. [31] Mass shootings and gassing operations, carried out by the Nazis or willing collaborators,[e] murdered over a million Soviet Jews as part of the Holocaust.[33]. The 1st Panzer Group bypassed much of the 15th Mechanized Corps, which engaged the German 6th Army's 297th Infantry Division, where it was defeated by antitank fire and Luftwaffe attacks. [239] On 1 July, Fedor von Bock ordered the panzer groups to resume their full offensive eastward on the morning of 3 July. They argued that the eastern territories (Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic countries) would only end up as a further economic burden for Germany. [357][358][359] The German-Finnish blockade cut off access to food, fuel and raw materials, and rations reached a low, for the non-working population, of four ounces (five thin slices) of bread and a little watery soup per day. [74] On 17 June, Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) chief Reinhard Heydrich briefed around thirty to fifty Einsatzgruppen commanders on "the policy of eliminating Jews in Soviet territories, at least in general terms". [89] It is speculated that this was passed on to General Georg Thomas, who had produced reports that predicted a net economic drain for Germany in the event of an invasion of the Soviet Union unless its economy was captured intact and the Caucasus oilfields seized in the first blow; Thomas revised his future report to fit Hitler's wishes. Walther von Brauchitsch also told his subordinates that troops should view the war as a "struggle between two different races and [should] act with the necessary severity". [344] Although the majority of German soldiers accepted these crimes as justified due to Nazi propaganda, which depicted the Red Army as Untermenschen, a few prominent German officers openly protested against them. [228] Counterattacks by the Front's 2nd Mechanized Corps and 9th Army were defeated, but on 9 July the Axis advance stalled along the defenses of the Soviet 18th Army between the Prut and Dniester Rivers. Northern Finland was the staging area for Army Norway. [334] According to the Soviets, they had not signed the Geneva Conventions in 1929 due to Article 9 which, by imposing racial segregation of POWs into different camps, contravened the Soviet constitution. [230] Simultaneously, the German 4th and 9th Armies engaged the Western Front forces in the environs of Biaystok. Trapped between their pincers were three Soviet armies. [105] Additional Luftwaffe operations included numerous aerial surveillance missions over Soviet territory many months before the attack. [374] As a consequence, Eastern Europe became communist in political disposition, and Western Europe fell under the sway of the United States.[375]. Olonets was taken on 5 September. On 7 December Finland called a stop to all offensive operations, going onto the defensive. [170] Suvorov's thesis was fully or partially accepted by a limited number of historians, including Valeri Danilov, Joachim Hoffmann, Mikhail Meltyukhov, and Vladimir Nevezhin, and attracted public attention in Germany, Israel, and Russia. Survivors: The Quest. [236][237], On 29 June, Hitler, through the Commander-in-Chief of the German Army Walther von Brauchitsch, instructed the commander of Army Group Center Fedor von Bock to halt the advance of his panzers until the infantry formations liquidating the pockets caught up. [338][339] Conveniently for the Nazis, the fact that the Soviets failed to sign the convention played into their hands as they justified their behavior accordingly. [280] Soviet losses were 452,720 men, 3,867 artillery pieces and mortars from 43 divisions of the 5th, 21st, 26th, and 37th Soviet Armies. Hayreddin had three brothers, though by 1518, he was the only one left, as the all his brothers had been killed during combat. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). [100][101] This belief later led to disputes between Hitler and several German senior officers, including Heinz Guderian, Gerhard Engel, Fedor von Bock and Franz Halder, who believed the decisive victory could only be delivered at Moscow. [198] Within the first few days of the invasion, the Soviet High Command and Red Army were extensively reorganized so as to place them on the necessary war footing. The army group's ultimate objective was Smolensk, which commanded the road to Moscow. In their calculations, they concluded that there was little danger of a large-scale retreat of the Red Army into the Russian interior, as it could not afford to give up the Baltic countries, Ukraine, or the Moscow and Leningrad regions, all of which were vital to the Red Army for supply reasons and would thus, have to be defended. [355] Thousands of Soviets were deported to Germany to be used as slave labor beginning in 1942. Spurred on by the successful defense and in an effort to imitate the Germans, Stalin wanted to begin his own counteroffensive, not just against the German forces around Moscow, but against their armies in the north and south. The operation opened up the Eastern Front, in which more forces were committed than in any other theater of war in human history. [128] The official plan for Barbarossa assumed that the army groups would be able to advance freely to their primary objectives simultaneously, without spreading thin, once they had won the border battles and destroyed the Red Army's forces in the border area. [240][241], Finland was divided into two operational zones. [97] Army Group South was to strike the heavily populated and agricultural heartland of Ukraine, taking Kiev before continuing eastward over the steppes of southern USSR to the Volga with the aim of controlling the oil-rich Caucasus. [41] The racial policy of Nazi Germany portrayed the Soviet Union (and all of Eastern Europe) as populated by non-Aryan Untermenschen ('sub-humans'), ruled by Jewish Bolshevik conspirators. The pocket eventually yielded over 500,000 Soviet prisoners, bringing the tally since the start of the invasion to three million. [202] Later the same morning, Hitler proclaimed to his colleagues, "Before three months have passed, we shall witness a collapse of Russia, the like of which has never been seen in history". The Wehrmacht's diminished forces could no longer attack along the entire Eastern Front, and subsequent operations to retake the initiative and drive deep into Soviet territorysuch as Case Blue in 1942 and Operation Citadel in 1943eventually failed, which resulted in the Wehrmacht's defeat. The Barbarossa brothers were already experienced pirates in the Mediterranean when Spain completed its conquest of Granada in 1492, defeating the last vestige of Islamic rule in the Iberian Peninsula, and Muslim immigrants from the region took refuge in North Africa. [309] In spite of the progress made, the Wehrmacht was not equipped for such severe winter warfare. [306], On 2 December, part of the 258th Infantry Division advanced to within 24km (15mi) of Moscow. [45], While older histories tended to emphasize the myth of the "clean Wehrmacht", upholding its honor in the face of Hitler's fanaticism, the historian Jrgen Frster notes that "In fact, the military commanders were caught up in the ideological character of the conflict, and involved in its implementation as willing participants". [351] On 18 December 1941, Himmler and Hitler discussed the "Jewish question", and Himmler noted the meeting's result in his appointment book: "To be annihilated as partisans". Hannibal (or Hannibal Barca) was the leader of the military forces of Carthage that fought against Rome in the Second Punic War. Sleyman the Magnificent, who had become sultan after Selims death, captured Rhodes in 1522 and installed Barbarossa as the beylerbeyi (governor). [364] Historian Birgit Beck emphasizes that military decrees, which served to authorize wholesale brutality on many levels, essentially destroyed the basis for any prosecution of sexual offenses committed by German soldiers in the East. A battle ensued in which the Soviets were hammered with tanks, artillery, and aerial bombardment. Over the course of the operation, over 3.8 million personnel of the Axis powersthe largest invasion force in the history of warfareinvaded the western Soviet Union along a 2,900-kilometer (1,800mi) front, with 600,000 motor vehicles and over 600,000 horses for non-combat operations. [248] The German troops had used their initial supplies, and General Bock quickly came to the conclusion that not only had the Red Army offered stiff opposition, but German difficulties were also due to the logistical problems with reinforcements and provisions. [208], Luftwaffe reconnaissance units plotted Soviet troop concentrations, supply dumps and airfields, and marked them down for destruction. [332] Hitler committed suicide on 30 April 1945 in order to avoid capture by the Soviets, and the war in Europe finally ended with the total defeat and capitulation of Nazi Germany in May 1945. [153][154] The Red Army was dispersed and still preparing when the invasion commenced. Cavalry units led by this commander gain increased march speed and increased attack. Under Hayreddin Pasa's supervision, the Ottoman naval . The enemy will be beaten. By 7 October the Soviet 9th and 18th Armies were isolated and four days later they had been annihilated. [102] They were unable to sway Hitler, who had grown overconfident in his own military judgment as a result of the rapid successes in Western Europe. [51] German army commanders cast Jews as the major cause behind the "partisan struggle". The important road junction at Loimola was captured on 14 July. Originally, the invasion of the Soviet Union was codenamed Operation Otto (alluding to Holy Roman Emperor Otto the Great's expansive campaigns in Eastern Europe),[37] but Hitler had the name changed to Operation Barbarossa in December 1940. The Finnish army attempted to encircle large Soviet formations at Sortavala and Hiitola by advancing to the western shores of Lake Ladoga. Then the Finnish territories east of Lake Ladoga were to be recaptured before the advance along the Karelian Isthmus, including the recapture of Viipuri, commenced. [163] Furthermore, in the autumn of 1939, the Soviets disbanded their mechanized corps and partly dispersed their tanks to infantry divisions;[164] but following their observation of the German campaign in France, in late-1940 they began to reorganize most of their armored assets back into mechanized corps with a target strength of 1,031 tanks each. [266] With the onset of bad weather in October, the Luftwaffe was on several occasions forced to halt nearly all aerial operations. To future generations, he is often regarded to be one of the most prominent Holy Roman emperors . [155] Their units were often separated and lacked adequate transportation. The Ottomans then offered the nominal titles of governor of Algiers to Arj and chief sea governor of the western Mediterranean to Khir, but the brothers were not yet full-fledged subjects of the Ottoman Empire. Because galleys were driven by oars and thus did not depend on the wind, they were more maneuverable and reliable on the sides of bays and islands shielded from the wind than sailing ships were. The same night, Pavlov ordered all the remnants of the Western Front to withdraw to Slonim towards Minsk. This would bring the bulk of the Soviet population and its economic . Instantly deals direct damage to the target. Neither Hitler nor the General Staff anticipated a long campaign lasting into the winter and therefore, adequate preparations such as the distribution of warm clothing and winterization of important military equipment like tanks and artillery, were not made.[90]. Nonetheless, the Red Army proved capable of countering the German offensives, particularly as the Germans began experiencing irreplaceable shortages in manpower, armaments, provisions, and fuel. [342][343] On the eve of the invasion, German soldiers were informed that their battle "demands ruthless and vigorous measures against Bolshevik inciters, guerrillas, saboteurs, Jews and the complete elimination of all active and passive resistance". [246] The 2nd Panzer Group crossed the Dnieper River and closed in on Smolensk from the south while the 3rd Panzer Group, after defeating the Soviet counterattack, closed on Smolensk from the north. [12] Hitler later declared to some of his generals, "If I had known about the Russian tank strength in 1941 I would not have attacked". [85], According to a 1978 essay by German historian Andreas Hillgruber, the invasion plans drawn up by the German military elite were substantially coloured by hubris, stemming from the rapid defeat of France at the hands of the "invincible" Wehrmacht and by traditional German stereotypes of Russia as a primitive, backward "Asiatic" country. Operation Barbarossa was the planned invasion and occupation of the USSR by the German army. He led an embassy to France in the same year, conquered Tunis in 1534, achieved a decisive victory over the Holy League at Preveza in 1538, and conducted joint campaigns with the French in the 1540s. Hienz Guderian during Operation Barbarossa, 1941. Kleist's 1st Panzer Army took the Donbas region that same month. [75] While no concrete plans had yet been made, Hitler told one of his generals in June 1940 that the victories in Western Europe finally freed his hands for a "final showdown" with Bolshevism. ", The four Soviet military districts facing the Axis, the. The same day the Germans launched Operation Rentier and occupied the Petsamo Province at the Finnish-Soviet border. [175] David Glantz and Gabriel Gorodetsky wrote books to rebut Suvorov's arguments. [365] She also contends that detection of such instances was limited by the fact that sexual violence was often inflicted in the context of billets in civilian housing. On 8 August, the Panzers broke through the Soviet defences. [272][273], At this stage, Hitler ordered the final destruction of Leningrad with no prisoners taken, and on 9 September, Army Group North began the final push. 98% of those 395,799 eventually returned to active duty service, usually after relatively short treatment, meaning about 8,000 became permanent losses. May God aid us, especially in this fight!". ", Flooding was so bad that Guderian wrote: "The Balkans Campaign had been concluded with all the speed desired, and the troops there engaged which were now needed for Russia were withdrawn according to plan and very fast. Game Guide. [205] Moscow not only failed to grasp the magnitude of the catastrophe that confronted the Soviet forces in the border area, but Stalin's first reaction was also disbelief. [329], Employing increasingly ambitious and tactically sophisticated offensives, along with making operational improvements in secrecy and deception, the Red Army was eventually able to occupy much of the area which the Germans had previously occupied by the summer of 1944. The offensive halted on 7 January 1942, after having pushed the German armies back 100250km (62155mi) from Moscow. [200] Stalin did not address the nation about the German invasion until 3 July, when he also called for a "Patriotic War of the entire Soviet people". [238] But the commander of the 2nd Panzer Group Heinz Guderian, with the tacit support of Fedor von Bock and the chief of OKH Franz Halder, ignored the instruction and attacked on eastward towards Bobruisk, albeit reporting the advance as a reconnaissance-in-force. Of course, it is the commander you are trying to level up. In the south, the 2nd Panzer Group was being blocked. [36] The theme of Barbarossa had long been used by the Nazis as part of their political imagery. [288][289], After Kiev, the Red Army no longer outnumbered the Germans and there were no more trained reserves directly available. The Hundred Years War (1337-1453) was an intermittent conflict between England and France lasting 116 years. Joan is the starting commander for France. Upon reviewing the plans, Hitler formally committed Germany to the invasion when he issued Fhrer Directive 21 on 18 December 1940, where he outlined the precise manner in which the operation was to be carried out. Army Days Born in 1885, Kesselring joined the Bavarian army in 1904. On 9 July it began its attack towards the Soviet defenses along the Luga River in Leningrad oblast. Sign In {{ }} [144] Soviet spy Richard Sorge also gave Stalin the exact German launch date, but Sorge and other informers had previously given different invasion dates that passed peacefully before the actual invasion. [109], The reasons for the postponement of Barbarossa from the initially planned date of 15 May to the actual invasion date of 22 June 1941 (a 38-day delay) are debated. With the Finnish refusal to conduct further offensive operations and German inability to do so alone, the German-Finnish effort in central and northern Finland came to an end. Askey 2014, p. 178. [136] The reorganization was still in progress and incomplete when Barbarossa commenced. [115][116][117][118] Antony Beevor wrote in 2012 about the delay caused by German attacks in the Balkans that "most [historians] accept that it made little difference" to the eventual outcome of Barbarossa. [353] Hitler received reports of the mass killings conducted by the Einsatzgruppen which were first conveyed to the RSHA, where they were aggregated into a summary report by Gestapo Chief Heinrich Mller. Lohars have been integrated part of Various Kingdom for weapon making from the starting of Human Civilization i.e. The VVS, although faced with the same weather difficulties, had a clear advantage thanks to the prewar experience with cold-weather flying, and the fact that they were operating from intact airbases and airports. Defense expenditure also grew rapidly from just 12 percent of the gross national product in 1933 to 18 percent by 1940. [284] With Army Norway switching its main effort further south, the front stalemated in this sector. However, the 3rd Panzer Group had already moved on, with its forward units reaching Vilnius on the evening of 23 June, and the Western Front's armoured counterattack instead ran into infantry and antitank fire from the V Army Corps of the German 9th Army, supported by Luftwaffe air attacks. Subsequently, the Soviets proceeded to launch a massive bombing attack on 25 June against all major Finnish cities and industrial centers including Helsinki, Turku and Lahti. Probably the most famous biography of Barbarossa, yet also rather controversial, Munz presents Barbarossa as a very logical and astute politician, unafraid to try new ideas and strategies. [354], Burning houses suspected of being partisan meeting places and poisoning water wells became common practice for soldiers of the German 9th Army. Well before the German invasion, Marshal Semyon Timoshenko referred to the Germans as the Soviet Union's "most important and strongest enemy", and as early as July 1940, the Red Army Chief of Staff, Boris Shaposhnikov, produced a preliminary three-pronged plan of attack for what a German invasion might look like, remarkably similar to the actual attack. [160][161] The most advanced Soviet tank models the KV-1 and T-34 which were superior to all current German tanks, as well as all designs still in development as of the summer 1941,[162] were not available in large numbers at the time the invasion commenced. 855 killed, 2,288 wounded in action, 277 missing and captured, 1,000 sick and injured. [225] On 26 June, the Soviets launched another counterattack on the 1st Panzer Group from north and south simultaneously with the 9th, 19th and 8th Mechanized Corps, which altogether fielded 1649 tanks, and supported by the remnants of the 15th Mechanized Corps. [3], Army Norway was to operate in far northern Scandinavia and bordering Soviet territories. [108] Since April 1941, the Germans had begun setting up Operation Haifisch and Operation Harpune to substantiate their claims that Britain was the real target. On 1 October the 1st Panzer Army under Ewald von Kleist swept south to encircle the two attacking Soviet armies. [254] Convinced by Hitler's argument, Guderian returned to his commanding officers as a convert to the Fhrer's plan, which earned him their disdain. [251], Chief of the OKH, General Franz Halder, Fedor von Bock, the commander of Army Group Center, and almost all the German generals involved in Operation Barbarossa argued vehemently in favor of continuing the all-out drive toward Moscow. Some desperate citizens resorted to cannibalism; Soviet records list 2,000 people arrested for "the use of human meat as food" during the siege, 886 of them during the first winter of 194142. Facing the Germans was an old Soviet defensive line held by six armies. [359] The Wehrmacht planned to seal off Leningrad, starve out the population, and then demolish the city entirely. 19411942 invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany, Germany's allies, in total, provided a significant number of troops and material to the front. [348][349] Under the command of the Reich Security Main Office, the Einsatzgruppen killing squads conducted large-scale massacres of Jews and communists in conquered Soviet territories. "[336] Despite such mandates, Hitler called for the battle against the Soviet Union to be a "struggle for existence" and emphasized that the Soviet armies were to be "annihilated", a mindset that contributed to war crimes against Soviet prisoners of war. [190] It called on them to "bring all forces to combat readiness", but to "avoid provocative actions of any kind". [230] On the same day, the 2nd Panzer Group crossed the Bug River, broke through the 4th Army, bypassed Brest Fortress, and pressed on towards Minsk, while the 3rd Panzer Group bypassed most of the 3rd Army and pressed on towards Vilnius. [107] One plausible reason given for the Soviet hesitation to return fire was Stalin's initial belief that the assault was launched without Hitler's authorization. [177] The debate on whether Stalin intended to launch an offensive against Germany in 1941 remains inconclusive but has produced an abundance of scholarly literature and helped to expand the understanding of larger themes in Soviet and world history during the interwar period. The leadership of the Wehrmacht paid little attention to politics, culture, and the considerable industrial capacity of the Soviet Union, in favour of a very narrow military view. [87], Even so, in autumn 1940, some high-ranking German military officials drafted a memorandum to Hitler on the dangers of an invasion of the Soviet Union. Following the Soviet occupation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, the German High Command began planning an invasion of the Soviet Union in July 1940 (under the codename Operation Otto). Although Algiers changed hands several times over the next decade, the region it controlled became known as the Regency of Algiers, the first corsair state, which was autonomous but grew more and more dependent upon the Ottoman military for protection over time. Piri Reis was a nephew. These had been freed from the Soviet Far East after Soviet intelligence assured Stalin that there was no longer a threat from the Japanese. [158] Around 11,000 tanks were in the western military districts that faced the German invasion force. A skilled German commander, he was fondly referred to by his admirers as "Smiling Albert." He commanded in both the army and air force; took part in diplomacy and political administration and featured in nearly every theater of the war in Europe and the Mediterranean. That meant seizing the industrial center of Kharkov, the Donbas and the oil fields of the Caucasus in the south and the speedy capture of Leningrad, a major center of military production, in the north. [313] Newly created Soviet units near Moscow now numbered over 500,000 men, and on 5 December, they launched a massive counterattack as part of the Soviet winter counteroffensive. The German military plan called for an advance up to a hypothetical line running from the port of Archangel in northern Russia to the port of Astrakhan on the Caspian Sea - the so-called 'A-A line'. [214] Hermann Gring, Minister of Aviation and Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe, distrusted the reports and ordered the figure checked. Almost from the beginning of Operation Typhoon, however, the weather worsened. Hatred of the Spanish and Portuguese who attacked North Africa between 1505 and 1511 encouraged Khir and his brother Arj to intensify their piracy. The Ottomans would later use Algiers as their primary base of operations in the western Mediterranean. The panzer groups resumed their offensive on 2 July before the infantry formations had sufficiently caught up. [224] Starting on the night of 23 June, the Soviet 22nd and 15th Mechanized Corps attacked the flanks of the 1st Panzer Group from north and south respectively. [219], On 22 June, Army Group North attacked the Soviet Northwestern Front and broke through its 8th and 11th Armies. They are known as blacksmiths or Lohars. According to Christopher Browning, "annihilating Jews and solving the so-called 'Jewish question' under the cover of killing partisans was the agreed-upon convention between Hitler and Himmler". By the end of July, the Germans were regularly killing women and children. [210][211] In contrast, Soviet artillery observers based at the border area had been under the strictest instructions not to open fire on German aircraft prior to the invasion. [304] Although the troops themselves were now able to advance again, there had been no improvement in the supply situation. [94] Hitler and his generals disagreed on where Germany should focus its energy. On 31 March 1942, less than one year after the invasion of the Soviet Union, the army was reduced to fielding 58 offensively capable divisions. The Holy Roman emperor Charles V led a Crusade that captured Tunis and Goletta in 1535, but Barbarossa defeated Charles Vs fleet at the Battle of Preveza (1538), thereby securing the eastern Mediterranean for the Turks (until their defeat at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571). He also personally conducted an aerial inspection of the Minsk-Biaystok pocket on 30 June and concluded that his panzer group was not needed to contain it, since Hermann Hoth's 3rd Panzer Group was already involved in the Minsk pocket. [340], Before the war, Hitler had issued the notorious Commissar Order, which called for all Soviet political commissars taken prisoner at the front to be shot immediately without trial. Rather, Stalin might have had intentions to break off from Germany and proceed with his own campaign against Germany to be followed by one against the rest of Europe. [134] In total, about 30,000 Red Army personnel were executed. The Hunger Plan outlined how entire urban populations of conquered territories were to be starved to death, thus creating an agricultural surplus to feed Germany and urban space for the German upper class. Barbarossa remained one of the great figures of the court at Constantinople until his death. It was the largest land offensive in human history, with over 10 million combatants taking part. The Soviet counter-offensives in December 1941 caused heavy casualties on both sides, but ultimately eliminated the German threat to Moscow. Barbarossa, (Italian: "Redbeard") byname of Khayr al-Dn, original name Khir, (died 1546), Barbary pirate and later admiral of the Ottoman fleet, by whose initiative Algeria and Tunisia became part of the Ottoman Empire.

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which commander was known as barbarossa