5. At the end of the book, The Travels of Monarch X, readers were invited to help study monarch butterflies migration. For his eighth grade project, he tried to find the cause of a viral disease that killed all monarch caterpillars every few years. 1. (a) viceroy(b) monarch(c) all of the above(d) none of the above, Question 10.He tried to grow _____ in the presence of betties(a) butterflies(b) catterpillar(c) rats(d) snakes, Question 11.What did he collect during his childhood? Ebright sent him many tagged butterflies for his research work. https://www.zigya.com/share/RU5FTjEwMDI4Mzk2. The project got him first prize in the county fair. Richard grew cells from the wings of a monarch butterfly. He earned top grades in school. (a) HG Wells (b) Robert W. Peterson (c) Ruskin Bond (d) Guy De Maupassant Answer Question 16. Who did Richard write for an idea of a real science experiment? His social studies teacher praises him for his will to work hard, do his best and win. But Dr Urquhart did not believe it. It was a childrens book gifted to him by his mother. After his freshman year at Harvard University, Ebright went back to the laboratory of the Department of Agriculture. As a child, he was good in studies and also collected rocks, fossils and coins. His curiosity and will to win for the right reasons made him a successful scientist. Using sophisticated instruments there, he was able to identify the hormones chemical structure. (b) Why does he raise butterflies? (c) Determination is a word from the extract which means resoluteness. He also won many prizes in the county and international science fairs. What happened when Ebright wrote to Dr Urquhart for ideas? Indirectly, it led to his new theory on the life of cells. What all hobbies did Albright develop in kindergarten? She took him on trips, bought him telescopes, microscopes, cameras, mounting materials, and other equipments that helped him in many ways. Question 10. Q.27. 15. Richard Ebright was just twenty-two when he excited the scientific world with a new theory. Readers were told to tag butterflies for research by Dr. Frederick A Urquhart of University of Toronto, Canada. She found work for him and helped him in learning things and in many other ways. He was her mothers whole life and her only companion until he started school. Thus the book opened the world of science to the eager young collector. Sharp brain, d y observant, anal tic mind, driving curiosity, the keen interest in the subject and strong will for the right cause are some of the essentials for the making of a scientist. In Richards eighth grade project, he Ans. So, he became interested in collecting butterflies and various other items. Ebright attached light adhesive tags to the wings of monarchs. [CBSE 2016]Answer:Richard Ebright started collecting butterflies as a hobby. There wasnt much could do there. Public Speaker 15.3. WebMCQ Of Making Of A Scientist Class 10 Question 8. Who did he write to get an idea for a real science experiment? Richard put up a slide of frogs at the County science fair but did not win any award. Most Important MCQs He wrote to _____ for getting ideas for a real science experiment. Richard A Weiherer was the perfect person for Ebright who opened his minds to new ideas. Anyone who found a tagged butterfly was asked to send the tag to Dr Urquhart. He had found out how the cell could read the blueprint of its DNA. 2023 Zigya Technology Labs Pvt. Thus, his mother actually shaped him into an extraordinary scientist. His other important contribution proved to be his study of how cells read their DNA. DNA fingerprinting is a forensic technique used to identify individuals by the characteristics of their DNA. Honeybees have signalling chemicals. He believed that his study could tell how cells read their DNA. She found work for him and helped him in learning things and in many other ways. What are its uses? Ebright identified the chemical structure of the gold spot hormone and found so cells can read the blueprint of its DNA. Dr Urquhart sent many suggestions for experiments which helped Richard Ebright in winning many prizes in County and International Science Fairs. Question 7.Richards project on the purpose of the twelve tiny gold spots on a monarch pupa was highly valuable in two ways. . Richard Ebright had great respect and admiration for his Social Studies teacher. Ans. At the end of the book, readers were asked to tag butterflies for research by Dr Frederick A. Urquhart of the University of Toronto, Canada. At a very young age, Ebright became competitive by participating in various county fairs. Q.21. Ebright sent him many tagged butterflies for his research work. Question 10.Mr. Elaborate with reference to the lesson The Making of a Scientist.Answer:Curiosity to know more and a motivation to find reasons for existence of anything or any phenomena are necessary for becoming a successful scientist. Question 1.Children everywhere wonder about the world around them. What were the other interests and hobbies of Ebright? So, they try to copy and look like them to protect themselves from birds. She spent all her time in setting up challenges for him. In this way, this book changed his life. So, his basement became home to thousands of monarch butterflies. At the end of book readers were invited to help study butterfly migration. Question 5.Why did Richard lose interest in tagging butterflies?Answer:Richard raised thousands of butterflies, tagged them and released them to study their migration. He has curiosity and a first rate mind. Contact Us, The Making of a Scientist, Class 10, English, Footprints without Feet Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings, The Making of a Scientist, Class 10 English, Footprints without Feet, NCERT Solutions The Making of a Scientist. Later, he started winning prizes. If Richard Ebrights theory proves to be correct, it will be a big step towards understanding the processes of life. Dr. Urquhart was an integral part of Richard Ebrights work in tag He became interested in the world of science. How did the hook become a turning point in Richard Ebrights life? At the end of the hook, the writer Dr A. Urquhart had invited the readers to help him in the study of butterfly migration by tagging them. (a) his mother(b) his friend(c) Dr Frederick A. Urquhart(d) none of the above, Question 9.Which butterlies were not eaten by birds? What honours did this project bring to Richard Ebright? His mother encouraged his interest in learning. 2.Richard H Ebrights Mother. But he did not win any prize. She would take him on trips to encourage learning. Who was Dr Frederick A Urquhart? The article was published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. No one had this achievement at such a young age before him. Question 3.Comment on the role played by Richards mother in his success.OrHow did Ebrights mother help him in becoming a scientist? But his loss taught him an important lesson in life. So he did. 5. You will find Prof. Yash Pals and Dr. Rahuls answers (as given in Discovered Questions) onPage 75.Answer: Question 2.You also must have wondered about certain things around you. 6. WebDr. Soon Richard started tagging monarch butterflies. It was on how cells worked. He was interested in learning new things. (b) Who proposed the theory? Ans. She took him on trips, bought loin telescopes. Richard Ebright was just twenty-two when he excited the scientific world with a new theory. Mr Richard A Weiherer was Ebrights Social Studies teacher and adviser. They were asked to tag butterflies for research by Dr Urquhart. According to him, this would probably have been the end to his butterfly collecting. He also collected rocks, fossils and coins. The article of Richard and his friend was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. So, his basement became home to thousands of monarch butterflies. Ans. This led him to research and discover many things. (c) It is used as a noun. He had found out how the cell could read the blueprint of its DNA. Ebright was not only a good scientist but also a keen observer. Q41. How did Richard H. Ebright surprise the scientific world at the age of 22? For his next project, he wrote to Dr. Urquhart for ideas and received many suggestions. He had the curiosity of knowing why and how of things. There wasnt much could do there. This project won the first prize in the county science fair and third prize in zoology in the International science fair. To support it, his mother gifted him Dr Urquharts book, The Travels of Monarch X. Q.24. What did Ebright realize when he started tagging butterflies? He had a habit of collecting butterflies, rock fossils and coins since he was a kid. She was his only companion for a long time. He started scientific research on the study of butterflies. Ans. Each question has four options followed by the Thus, he displayed a well-tounded personality. Ltd. Footprints without Feet Supplementary Reader. He also won many prizes in the county and international science fairs. Ans. He excelled in photographing nature and scientific exhibits. Can you answer these questions? What were the hobbies of Ebright in his childhood? Richard A Collector from Childhood : Why did Richard Ebright start a project of tagging the butterflies? Once his mother bought the book. First, he discovered a hormone that was necessary for the growth of the pupa. He was an active member of his schools oratory club and model United Nations club and was an effective debater and a public speaker. species of butterflies around his hometown and classify them. 3. A multifaceted genius; a great scientist, debater, canoeist, etc. Who was the source of encouragement for Ebright when he was very young? Ans. It is about projects and experiments. (a) Mr Weiherer(b) Dr Urquhart(c) James R Wong(d) Taplow, Question 4.How many gold spots were there on a Monarch pupa? Question 1.How can one become a scientist, an economist, a historian ? In which class was Ebright when he lost at the county science fair? He had already read the blueprint of DNA. Which project did Albright submit in his eighth grade? It is the blueprint for life. He would raise them in his basement, from egg to caterpillar, to pupa to adult butterfly. He would tag the butterflies wings and let them go. But, he did not wish to defeat others just to win. Discuss Richard Ebrights work in the light of what you have studied. (published by NCERT in 2006). Q35.How did Richard Ebrights mother be a source of inspiration and encouragement in his quest for learning? Who is the writer of the story The Making of a Scientist? It was difficult to chase them one by one. The book changes Richards life forever. He was a single child. By the time he was in the second grade, he had collected all twenty-five species of butterflies found around his hometown. Richards Study of Cell and DNA : These experiments kept Ebright busy all through high school. She also supported his collecting butterflies. Ebright began to lose interest in tagging butterflies. Seeing his interest, his mother gifted him a book that introduced the world of science to him. He had the will to win for the right reasons. Richard Ebright used to send tagged monarch butterflies to Dr Urquhart for his research work. She compensated the early loss of his father. He was the only child of his parents. Richards Glory at Harvard : Ebright and his college room-mate explained the theory in an article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. He would watch all the stages of development of the butterfly. Richards Discovery of a Hormone : At night they just did the things together. Comment on the role of Mr Weathered in Albrights life, Who were the important people in Albrights life? He entered a county science fair Ebright for the first time. Ebright identified the chemical structure of the gold spot hormone and found so cells can read the blueprint of its DNA. He thought that a beetle might carry the virus although he was not able to prove it. Ebright started tagging monarch butterflies. At the end of the book, Richard found an invitation for studying the migration of butterflies. It might lead to new ideas for preventing some types of cancer and other diseases. Q38. Then he became the whole life of hi. She opened the world of science to him by introducing him to Dr Frederick A. Urquhart of the University of Toronto, Canada. She encouraged him by taking him on trips and bought him telescopes and other equipment. March 2017 (Set-A)]. He raised them in his basement from eggs to adult butterflies. The only solid thing in the air are dust particles. It might lead to new ideas for preventing some types of cancer and other diseases. Dr Frederick A Urquhart was a scientist and teacher at the University of Toronto, Canada. Given below are some questions that children in India have asked Prof. Yash Pal and Dr. Rahul Pal as reported in their book, Discovered Questions. So he decided to raise a flock of butterflies. Chasing butterflies one by one was difficult and he couldnt catch many. Being a skilled trainer with extensive knowledge, he provides high-quality BTech, Class 10 and Class 12 tuition classes. Ans. They like to eat viceroy butterflies. Richard was a single child and didnt have friends to play with. He was doing research on butterfly migrations. To further test his theory, he began doing experiments if it proves correct it will be a big step towards understanding the process of life. That hormone was necessary for the butterflys full development. He had the curiosity of knowing why and how of things. Ans. It described how monarch butterflies migrate to Central America. There was not much feedback. While still in kindergarten, he started collecting butterflies. Q36. A grade student in school. WebWhich grade was Ebright in when his father died? He learnt an important lesson that science is not just about display. (a) in the 7th grade(b) in the 8th grade(c) in college(d) none of the above, Question 13.How many species of butterflies had he collected till second grade? He tried to prove that viceroys copy monarchs. He actively participated This became a turning point in his life. Question. He graduated from Harvard with second position among 1510 students. His mother encouraged him to learn more. He did not get any prize. Ans. Share these questions with your class, and try and answer them.Answer:Some of the questions are, Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow.Question 1.So he did, and did he ever! OVERVIEW OF THE CHAPTER

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who was dr frederick a urquhart class 10